"The Two Wheeled Approach to Self Esteem"
l l l l lTrail Fest 2001
This was the second year of this event which was spearheaded by Sprockids, the Back Country Horsemen Association, and the British Columbia Ministry of Forests. The idea was to bring together the various user groups: the hikers, mountain bikers, and the equestrians to build a multi use trail that would connect the various sections of the trails together. By working as a unified force, these sometimes conflicting users groups would become familiar with each other, not only on a personal level but would also gain more understanding of each groups' individual needs and concerns regarding the trails. The idea of involving the schools resulted from a desire to involve our youth in the outdoors, for them to become aware of the fabulous recreational resource that lay at their finger tips. "Trail Fest 2001" accomplished this and much more.
Over 1000 students, from the eight elementary and two high schools that were involved, became totally immersed in the project. After a morning of working on the trails, as many of them stepped back to view their efforts, you could sense their pride. You just knew that many of them could not wait to get out there and ride or hike the trails. What better way to turn on a whole new generation of young people to the healthy lifestyle of outdoor recreation.
After working on the trails, it was back to the Back Country Horsemen's Camp Site for a BBQ and a ton of draw prizes donated by some various generous bike companies. The atmosphere was truly festive, and a perfect ending to an amazing day.
We would like to sincerely thank the following companies for their generous support of "Trail Fest 2001": Norco, Pearl Izumi, RaceFace, SRAM, Santa Cruz Bicycles, ING Direct, Ryders Eyewear, Bell Sports USA, Outdoor Gear Canada, FinishLine Lubricants and Patagonia.
The next day saw the adults and older students return to work on a new trail that required some major building (because of its location on the side of Mt. Elphinstone). Once again, the enthusiasm was outstanding and the results reflected the commitment of these individuals towards this project. That night the troops, once again, converged on the Back Country Horsemen's Campsite for an evening of good food and conversation. The follow day, those that had the energy were back out on the trails to bike, walk, and ride their horses.This was the largest event of its kind in North America (perhaps the world!), and can serve as a "Pilot Project" for other communities. Judd de Vall, the International Advocacy Representative for IMBA, had come up from Boulder Colorado to view the event. He was totally blown away by what he saw. There are plans to create a booklet that would provide any interested parties step by step lessons that would enable them to duplicate this event in their community.