"The Two Wheeled Approach to Self Esteem"
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Sprockids Bike Day
at West Sechelt Elementary

By Raun Desharnais
(Parent, Teacher, and Sprockids Coach)

Trying to keep our children active is of major concern nowadays. With so many excuses to remain sedentary, from video games to television, it is easy to appreciate how today’s youth could be less fit than their parents were at a similar age. In fact, a recent article in the CBC’s “Health and Science” section alarming reports that Canadian youth rank fourth in the world for obesity. (CBC News, April, 2005)
As both a teacher and parent, I am ever mindful of the importance of encouraging children to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Knowing the positive effect biking has had on my family, I was anxious to invite Sprockids founder Doug Detwiller to our school, West Sechelt Elementary. Knowing Doug, I was confident his expertise and love for the sport would rub off on the students. Talk to the average child about ‘exercising’ and you’re likely to get a less than favourable response. Invite them to spend part of their day bike riding, and you might just get them hooked on staying healthy. Friday’s “Bike Day” at West Sechelt Elementary could not have been better.
With the help of local high school and ‘On The Edge’ team riders, Matt and Jen Brown, students from ages seven to twelve were guided through a variety of stations. Both Matt and Jen began riding with their local "Coast Riders" Sprockids club, and are now giving back to the sport that has brought them so much enjoyment. Students taking part in the day's clinics learned essential safety tips and practiced valuable riding skills through activities such as “The Light Bulb,” “The Slowest Racer,” and “Survivor.” Older children were also challenged to mini ramps and teeter-totters. It was inspiring to watch the confidence levels rise as children used their newly acquired skills to challenge each station.
Bikes and kids, it’s a combination that’s sure to produce smiles, and healthier children.