"The Two Wheeled Approach to Self Esteem"
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Sprockids Elementary School Race
Halfmoon Bay, B.C. 2005

Being active and having fun should be a part of everyday life. Unfortunately though, somewhere in the evolution of our modern society action, adventure and fun has moved out of the physical world and into the fantasy world of the computer screen. The concept of “athlete” has also evolved into something different. Whereas it once described any person involved in everyday sport, it now connotes something much more “elitist”. These are two significant factors when considering the deteriorating physical condition of today’s youth.
Sprockids is all about involving young people in the life long sport of mountain biking, while teaching them the skills, values, and strategies to succeed in life. One of Sprockids main focuses is to redefine the role and definition of sports in our society. Mountain biking is all inclusive! “Nobody Sits on the Bench” in our sport. Sprockids appeals to a large segment of young people, including those youth who would never consider themselves “athletes.” It is not gender specific, nor does it require some special athletic ability. Everyone can begin at their own level and immediately experience personal success.
If we hope to change the mindset of a generation, this is critical. We want today’s youth to embrace the attitude that being active, in all its forms, is something we must incorporate in our daily lives. Success breeds success. If being active provides the individual with happiness, laughter, a strong sense of self esteem, camaraderie, adventure, and personal fulfilment, then it will become part of their everyday life. With this transformation, we will have succeeded!
On Thursday May 28th close to 350 young people from Grades 3 to 7 emerged on Connor Park in Halfmoon Bay, located on the Sunshine Coast of B.C. to participate in the Sprockids Youth Challenge. This event provided the young riders the opportunity to test their riding skills against their peers. For many of the participants this was their first time racing, but from the energy, enthusiasm, and skills displayed at the event they all looked like seasoned pros.
The event began with the Grade 3’s, and as they lined up on the starting line their huge smiles definitely set the tone for the day. Even though these riders were small in stature, their efforts and performance were huge. As we moved up through the grades you couldn't help but notice that the level of intensity increased. These riders were taking their racing seriously and once the race began the riders gave it their all. While the lead riders were battled it out for a podium finish, many of the other competitors were reaching deep inside themselves for the strength and courage to complete the demanding course.
Earlier that morning I had helped flagged the course and I can tell you the trails these riders had to navigate were quite technical. But here on the Sunshine Coast this is what mountain biking is all about! Uphill, downhill, rooty single track, mud, drop-offs, berms, dirt jumps, wooden bridges, creeks, and stunts. From an early age the young riders develop and hone their technical skills, and whether or not they pursue racing on a serious level, events like the Sprockids Youth Challenge give them the opportunity to experience another of life’s adventures!
Like all events of this kind many thanks go out to all the volunteers that made it happen. The cycling community here on the Sunshine Coast is a very special one, and this event once again demonstrated the spirit and camaraderie that reigns supreme here on the Coast.
Doug Detwiller

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