Becoming a Certified Sprockids Leader
Sprockids Leader Training Option 1
Canada $225 can (Includes S/H)
USA $225 us (Includes S/H)
International $225 us plus shipping
Option 1
For those who are unable to attend or host a Sprockids Training Session you now can take the training by correspondence. You will be provided with all of the instructional material needed to become a recognized Sprockids Leader. Once you have reviewed the material you will be required to take a Sprockids Test to ensure you understand the mechanics of the program. Once you have successfully passed this review you will be interviewed by a member of the Sprockids staff to ensure you understand the philosophy of the Sprockids Program and have the tools to successfully establish and run your own Sprockids Program.
Instructional Package See Option 2 for List of Resources
Sprockids Leader Training
Option 2
Canada $225 can
USA $225 us I
nternational $225 us
Organize a group of people to take the 1 day Sprockids Leader Training Course and Doug Detwiller, Sprockids Creator/Director, or another Master Course Conductor will come to your area to run the training session. Travel and other expenses are to be covered by the group hosting the training.
Option 2 Instructional Package
1) Sprockids “The Two Wheeled Approach to Self Esteem” (358 page manual)
2) “Sprockids Instructional Leaders Manual” (156 page manual)
These two manuals provide over 500 pages of material to assist you in running your own youth mountain biking program or club. (See Program Description for details)
3) Participant Passport The Passport documents each participant’s progression and successes as they work through the 55 skills covered in the program. The Passport is in a very valuable record for both the rider and parent.
4) The on site Sprockids Leader Training provides the participant with the knowledge, material, and confidence to successfully run a Sprockids Program. Training includes classroom and “on the bike” sessions
5) Access to the various Sprockids Program components such as; Participant Passport, Certificates, t-shirts, and program updates.
6) Sprockids Implementation Guide
7) Sprockids Promotional Guide
8) Having your program featured on the Sprockids Website